Optimism Upgrades AttestationStation Contracts

AttestationStation is Optimism’s system for creating arbitrary attestations and onchain reputation.

Optimism Upgrades AttestationStation Contracts

Quick Take

  • Aztec Network introduces its Hybrid zkRollup.
  • Curve Finance deploys contracts for crvUSD.
  • Optimism upgrades its AttestationStation contracts.
  • Paradigm releases its Artemis MEV bot library.

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Optimism Upgrades AttestationStation Contracts
Optimism upgraded its AttestationStation reputation contract to be compatible with the Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS) standard. AttestationStation is Optimism’s system for creating arbitrary attestations and building onchain reputation. EAS is a general-purpose attestation layer for Ethereum that aims to create a unified standard. EAS is an open-source protocol, that consists of a schema contract and an attestation contract, and supports on-chain and off-chain attestations. The upgraded AttestationStation contracts are now live on OP Goerli with an OP Mainnet release planned after the Bedrock upgrade. Optimism recommends that AttestationStation users migrate from v0 to v1 contracts.

Aztec Introduces Hybrid zkRollup

Aztec Network introduced its roadmap for a Hybrid zkRollup, a layer 2 network that supports both public and private smart contract execution. The hybrid ZK-rollup includes an unspent transaction output (UTXO) system that supports not only value transfer but also any arbitrary data such as entire smart contracts. Aztec’s composability with both public and private state environments enables function calls between public-to-public, public-to-private, private-to-public, and private-to-private smart contracts. Developers can assign viewing keys to specific contracts for data access. Aztec is targeting a testnet environment in Q3 2023 with a public testnet release early next year.

Paradigm Releases Artemis MEV Bot Library

Paradigm released Artemis, an open-source library for writing MEV bots in Rust and a repository of strategies. The release also includes an initial NFT arbitrage strategy with additional strategies to be released. Developers can use Artemis to build MEV tooling and implement open-source MEV strategies into existing bots. Artemis is architected as an event processing pipeline and consists of three main components, including collectors, strategies, and executors. Collectors turn external events into an internal event representation that is used by strategies to compute whether any opportunities are available. Strategies then produce actions that are processed by executors.

Yearn Recovers Funds From Euler Exploit

Yearn Finance has successfully recovered all funds from its indirect exposure to the Euler exploit in March. While Yearn does not have any vaults with strategies directly connected to Euler, it does have indirect exposure through two vaults with strategies in protocols that use Euler. The two vaults are Idle Finance and Angle Protocol. Yearn had a total indirect exposure of nearly $1.4 million in losses. The protocol initially planned to cover the bad debt with funds from the Yearn treasury. Euler was able to successfully recover the majority of funds from its exploiter during March and April. Yearn worked with Idle Finance and Angle Protocol to repay its affected vaults.

Curve Finance Deploys Contracts For crvUSD

Curve Finance deployed mainnet contracts for its crvUSD stablecoin. Curve also redeployed the contracts to address issues related to unexpected high gas usage. crvUSD is not yet publicly accessible as Cruve is still working on a front-end portal for its stablecoin. crvUSD is an over-collateralized stablecoin pegged to the USD that features a novel liquidation mechanism called the Lending-Liquidating AMM Algorithm (LLAMMA).