Forming The Superchain With Base

Base will help establish a formal Security Council responsible for controlling upgrade keys for OP Stack chains on The Superchain.

Forming The Superchain With Base

Quick Take

  • Ethereum KZG Ceremony officially comes to an end.
  • Base unveils details about forming The Superchain.
  • Coinbase releases neutrality principles.
  • Lodestar concludes its incentive program.

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Forming The Superchain With Base
Base, an OP Stack chain by Coinbase, unveiled details about its commitment to joining The Superchain. Currently, Base executes upgrades using a 2/2 multisig managed by both Base and the Optimism Foundation. In collaboration with Optimism, Base will help establish a formal Security Council responsible for controlling upgrade keys for OP Stack chains on The Superchain. This Security Council will comprise independent community members from various locations and is anticipated to launch in early 2024. Base has also committed to contributing either 2.5% of its total sequencer revenue or 15% of its net onchain sequencer profit to support public goods on the platform. The Optimism Foundation extended also a grant to Base, allowing it to earn 2.75% of the OP token supply over the next six years. Base intends to use the allocation to actively engage in Optimism governance as a delegate. Base is also working to advance technical decentralization and will help scale op-geth and op-node clients.

Coinbase Neutrality Principles For Base
Coinbase released a series of five neutrality principles to emphasize its commitment to decentralization for Base. The principles include adherence to the Law of Chains, full user ownership, transaction neutrality, data integrity, and freedom to exit. Coinbase seeks to provide users with neutral and open access to Baase block space. Coinbase also stated it will not influence transaction order flow on Base and will honor transactions by receipt time and gas fees. Coinbase also says users are able to withdraw assets from Base without limitations or penalties. The principles aim to guide Base from a centralized product into a decentralized and permissionless network.

KZG Ceremony Ends With 141k Contributions

Ethereum’s KZG Ceremony has officially ended with 141,416 total contributions from users around the world. The KZG Ceremony is a process that collects entropy from contributors to be used in a commitment scheme for EIP-4844. Close to 10,000 users verified their contribution via GitHub while the remaining 132,000 used SIWE. Most users needed to meet a minimum nonce requirement of at least 8 transactions in order to participate. The final output generated from the ceremony will be implemented in proto-danksharding EIP-4844, which is set to go live in the Dencun upgrade later this year. Proto-danksharding will enable lower transaction fees for rollups.

Lodestar Incentive Program Concludes

A solo staker incentive program designed for solo stakers to use Lodestar has concluded. The program ran from March 23rd to August 23rd and allocated a total of $25,000 in prizes to solo stakers who entered the word “Lodestar” in their validator graffiti flag. Chainsafe is now assessing proposals made by validators to filter out staking entities and gather proposals that meet the program’s eligibility criteria.

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